Described for you by FiXato: Jon - 2, a fancomic by gale galligan

Jon 2, in text

Jon 2, a second Garfield fancomic by Gale Galligan considering the life of Jon Arbuckle, cartoonist, is such a wonderful comic. However, I couldn't find image descriptions for each page and panel, so I, FiXato, decided to write my own for it, to make the comic more accessible.

Page 1: Cover

Garfield, a lazy cat, peeking just over the rim of a cardboard box filled with Jon's comic books. Just titled "Jon." at the top, and captioned with "a second fancomic by gale galligan".

Page 2: Jon's awesome comics workshop

Panel 1, overview shot:

An establishing shot of the outside of a college of some kind. Its name is hard to make out, but it appears to have "John F. Kennedy" in its name. A small public library can be seen attached to it.

Panel 2:

Jon is standing in front of his class, holding a book, while pointing at the school board, addressing his students:

"So for next time, I'd like you to bring in two penciled pages. They can be be about anything, but you have to include one of each kind of shot, okay? And, um, read another chapter of Bone. Okay. See you Tuesday."

The kind of shots are shown on the school board, though some details are obscured by Jon, the school board reads:

"Jon's awesome comics workshop!" [stylised smiley face of two round eyes and a squiggly line for nose and mouth]

Below it is a row of comic panels showcasing the various shots, with underneath each panel its title and key features:

Next to the schoolboard is a poster that reads "Reading is Magic".

Four students can be seen, all facing Jon. The camera focuses mostly on three of them sitting at the same table; the backs of two of them towards us, and the third leaning back on his chair. One is taking notes, another is holding a comic, and the third is sitting comfortably, a smile on his face, all paying attention to Jon. On the right, half-obscured by an inset frame, a fourth student can be seen paying attention to Jon.

It's hard to tell age in such a comic, but I think they're about 18, or in their early twenties?

Panel 3, inset:

One of Jon's students, a young woman with a big excited expression on her face, comes up to Jon exclaiming:

"Jon! Jon!"

The two other students from the previous panel can be seen in the background, probably packing their bags.

Page 3: Comics Fest?

Panel 1, inset, sideways shot:

The young woman, who we later learn is called Kim, excitedly:

"Are you going to Comics Fest?"

Jon, caught off-guard, a bit of a blank, uninformed, expression on his face:

"What now?"

Panel 2, closeup of Kim

Kim is holding a flyer up to Jon / the viewer, still looking very enthusiastic:

"They had these at the comic shop. It sounds pretty cool?"

Some details from the poster: "Local artists!", "muncie convention center", and a big black cat with white lines for eyes and mouth, and words such as "Minicomics!", "Zines!", "and more!" and "www" in its body, and date and location info in its tail: "Saturday July 13th (?) 10 am - 7 pm", "Tix $10", and "Kids free".

Panel 3, inset, closeup of Jon:

Jon is holding the flyer and looking at it, an unsure expression on his face:

"Gosh, Kim... I haven't been to a convention in years."

Panel 4, inset, over-the-shoulder shot with Jon and Kim in the foreground, and three other students in the background:

Jon, dorky dad-grin on his face:

"Why, I remember when I was a young cartoonist, hauling my drawings two miles to the library so I could use their copier —"

All four students in unison, with a "here we go again" expression on their faces:


Panel 5, overview / over-the-shoulder shot:

Jon yelling at his students, with what I assume is a well-intended ribbing expression:

"You whipper-snappers have it good!"

In the background his students scurry off:

"Bye, Jon!", "Byeeeee!".

The walls of the room are covered in well-filled bookshelves.

Page 4: Should I stay, or should I go now?

Panel 1:

Jon is sitting on an armless office chair in his study, with his lazy cat Garfield curled up on his lap. He's looking pensively at the flyer in his right hand, while his left is resting on Garfield, presumably stroking him. His dog, Odie, canonically a wire-haired dachshund/terrier mix, lying almost off-camera on one of the tables in the foreground. A big slanted drawing board is in front of Jon, with various notebooks and drawing equipment spread around the desks and drawers. Jon:

"Comics Fest... Comics Fest."

"What would you do, Garf?"

Panel 2, over-the-shoulder shot of Jon looking down at Garfield:

Garfield stares blankly at Jon with an expression of "You really have to ask?"

Panel 3, closeup

Jon scritching Garfield behind his ears, with perhaps a bit of a downtrodden? expression:

"Well, not all of us can be as lazy as you."

"click, tmp, tmp" sounds can be seen, presumably a door unlocking.

Panel 4:

Liz, Jon's significant other, enters the room, as Odie jumps up excited against her, tail waggling in overdrive:

"Oh, hello! Yes! I'm home!"

Jon, leaning back, looking at Liz coming through the door, with Garfield also paying attention:

"Hey, Liz."

The front of the slanted drawing board can now be seen, and a stack of pictures (probably reference photos) is clipped to its top, and a work-in-progress comic strip with the outline of Garfield is resting on the board. A lamp is standing next to it, with a spotlight on a flexible arm is aimed at the board. Various framed comics line the walls.

Panel 5:

Jon, still looking lost in thought, is leaning back on his chair, while Liz leans over to kiss his forehead with a loving smile on her face. Garfield is propped up on Jon's chest, eyes open wide, almost looking shocked?


"Hey to you too. You look pensive."


"It's just comics stuff."

Panel 6, over-the-shoulder shot:

Liz is looking at the flyer in Jon's hands, her hands resting on his shoulders, at Jon peers back over his shoulder at Liz. Garfield is peeking at the both of them from behind the flyer.


"There's this new convention coming up. Table applications are open now, and... I don't know."


"Huh, why not?"


"Nerves, I guess?"

Page 5: Am I good enough?

Panel 1:

Liz is now facing Jon, looking down at Garfield as she strokes the cat, while he's gone back to lying down with his eyes closed. Jon, with a worried or anxious expression:

"Like... I haven't done a convention in ages. Are my books enough? Will I fit in? What are people even into?"

Panel 2, closeup of Jon:

Jon, perhaps even more worried:

"What does it mean if I don't sell anything?"

Panel 3, over-the-shoulder shot of Jon facing Liz:

Liz looking up at Jon encouragingly, while holding Garfield a bit more upright now, stroking behind his head, Jon still a bit uncertain:

"Jon, come on. That's impossible."

Panel 4, closeup of Liz and Garfield:

Liz with her face almost buried into Garfield, looking up towards Jon / the viewer, as she turns the cat's face towards him / us with a "smoosh" sound effect:

"With a muse like this?"

Panel 5, overview:

Liz and Jon laughing out loud, Liz clasping her chest, and Jon grabbing his belly, as Garfield leaps off Jon's lap, perhaps somewhat insulted.

Panel 6, over-the-shoulder:

Liz facing Jon, who now has somewhat of a smile on his face again:

"But seriously. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there."


"... Yeah."

Meanwhile Odie is giving Garfield a big, excited, "Slurp" lick, as Garf arches his back.

Page 6: Arrival

Panel 1, overview shot of the convention center:

A one or perhaps two storey convention center with several cars spread around the parking area, and some people on their way to the entrance.

Inset panels 2, 3 and 4:

Jon pushing a trolley with his stuff through the convention center, as other attendees can be seen doing the same or carrying their own things in their hands.

Panel 5:

Jon, still holding his trolley, is seen looking up towards the viewer, with convention tables in the background. Jon looks a bit awestruck, and perhaps uncomfortable. Some of the tables are still empty save for the name plates, while others are in various stages of setting up their booths. The tables are arranged in typical O-shapes with chairs for the booth holder in the center, facing outwards. Helium balloons can be seen in the center of each table 'donut'.

Page 7: Setting up

Panel 1:

Jon looking down at a note on a clothed table, presumably with his name on it. Two other attendees, and a "B"-shaped balloon can be seen in the background. Round light fixtures are inset along the ceiling. Various display stands are seen on some of the tables.

Panel 2:

Jon still pushing his trolley, leans over to greet a woman, who we later find out is called Ava, as she is setting up her booth by filling up a display stand with card packs or miniature books.


"Hey there. Hi."



Panel 3, inset overview shot of people setting up their booths.

Jon is unpacking his box of comic books. Another person next to him is hannging up posters on a wireframe rack. On the opposite row of tables of the 'donut' he's part of, a person in cargo shorts is holding up one of their papers, while another attendee in a wheel chair is setting up their table, as two others are passing by.

Panel 4, inset closeup.

Jon wiping his forehead with the back of his fist.

Panel 5, overview shot.

Jon is standing behind his now-set-up table, with two small stacks of his books on either side of a smaller stack of business cards.



Ava is still setting up her booth. Contrary to Jon's default plain white table cloth, her table is dressed in a darker cloth with various prints and a garland of flags attached to it. A poster behind her chair behind the desk reads "Ava comics", and features a long-eared rodent kind of character. She's holding up a frame of pins of some kind, and various books are already standing on her desk. On the right side is the person with the wireframe rack, still adding posters to it. Their desk also is dressed in a dark cloth, this one with a star and moons print on it. Behind them is an "M"-shaped balloon, probably to indicate the various sections of the convention center. In the background more people can be seen arriving, or checking out booths.

Page 8: Emotional Rollercoaster

Panel 1: closeup

Jon looking bright and full of hopeful anticipation over his hands resting against his chin, fingertips placed against each other. The two stacks of books and his business cards in front of him on his table. Both books show a drawing of Garfield and their title. The title on the left one I can't quite make out, but the one on the right seems to read "Garfield gains weight". Another artist can be seen sitting behind their desk in the background.

Panels 2, 3 and 4, inset, over-the-shoulder:

Jon is waving at a passerby who is looking at his stand. As the person quickly flips through Jon's book, Jon has a smile on his face. The person quickly turns around though, and walks off, leaving Jon somewhat disturbed and disappointed.

Panel 5:

Jon peeking over his desk at Ava's stand, which is crowded with people admiring her work. Ava can be seen interacting enthusiastically with them.

Panel 6:

A person encouragingly inquires Jon if he's on social media, as indicated by an Instagram and Twitter logo in the speech balloon. Jon looks away, not quite sure what to say?

Panel 7, over-the-shoulder:

A person is reading his comic in front of Jon's stand. Jon has his arms across each other, and has an expression as if to say "I guess he's just going to read it all here and then also just move on..."

Panel 8:

The person however, with a broad smile, hands a money note over to Jon, who suddenly is happily surprised and somewhat shocked.

Panel 9: over-the-shoulder:

We see Jon signing the book with his name, with a happy smile on his face, while the customer looks grateful.

Page 9: Familiar faces

Panel 1, overview:

Overview of a crowded convention center hall, with balloons for sections "S" and "T" visible.

Panel 2, inset, eagle's perspective:

Jon is leaning over backwards on his chair, tired or demotivated, and let's out a deep "sigh".

Panel 3, inset:

Jon jolts upright in shock as we see someone off-camera shout out:


Panel 4, over-the-shoulder:

We see his students arrive at his stand, waving. His student Kim delightedly says:

"We found you!"

Jon, with a big smile and renewed energy on his face, replies:


"Boy, am I glad to see you guys."

We can see Ava smiling to her right at Jon.

Panel 5:

Three of his students gushing over one of Jon's books. Kim:

"Wow, look at this. It's really cool to see you out in the wild. Living the big cartoonist life."

Jon, smiling, but holding up his hand unsuredly, a bit embarrassed at the compliments:

"Haha, I don't know."

A couple other visitors seem to have stopped to look at the now a bit more crowded stand.

Panel 6, over-the-shoulder:

Jon, with that dadly teacher look on his face:

"But enough about me. How's that assignment coming?"

Kim, and another of his students, tongues extended and a look of "ugh, really?":


Page 10: The introduction

Panel 1, overview shot:

An overview of the hall, with Jon enthusiastically interacting with his students.

Panel 2, over-the-shoulder of Jon:

Someone seemingly interrupting to buy one of Jon's books.

Panel 3:

Kim and Jon waving goodbye to each other as the customer pays for their purchase.

Panel 4:

Ava smilingly leaning over to Jon:

"Your students?"

Panel 5:


"Haha, yeah. I teach a kids' workshop a few days a week."


"That's great! It must be so fulfilling."


"It really is."

(Since he describes it as a "kids' workshop", I guess his students are a bit younger than I thought?)

Panel 6:

Jon, looking up with pride:

"When you get to see them make something they're proud of... Knowing that you helped a little, it's really cool."


"Ugh, I'd LOVE to do something like that. I've done panels and stuff, but that's about it."


"Well, I've never paneled, so you've got one on me there."

Panel 7, closeup:

Ava, extending her hand:

"I'm Ava, by the way."

Panel 8, over-the-shoulder:

Jon, as he shakes Ava's hand:


Page 11: Getting into it

Panel 1:

Jon and Ava interacting with each other, probably talking about their drawing equipment, as two passersby check out Jon's books.

Panel 2:

Ava laughing loudly while reading one of Jon's Garfield books. Jon is engrossed in a book, probably one of Ava's.

Panel 3:

Jon and Ava interacting with more customers.

Panel 4:

Jon, leaning back over in his chair again, but this time in a good exhausted way:


Ava, looking a bit worriedly at Jon:

"You haven't taken a break yet, have you?"

Panel 5:


"Well, uh..."


"You know, I don't mind covering. You should at least take some time to check out the artist alley."

Panel 6:


"Are you sure?"


"I insist."

Panel 7, closeup:


"When you get back, I can start teaching you about social media."

Page 12: Down the artists alley

Panel 1:

Jon walking across the venue, checking out the stands.

Panels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, inset:

Jon interacting with other artists, and buying various things.

Panel 7:

Jon walking with a stack of purchases in his hand, clasped against his waist, with a big smile on his face, looking upwards, probably at yet another stand. Another booth in the background, and other attendees and visitors.

Page 13: Fantastic

Panel 1:

Ava, asking Jon as he returns:

"Have fun?"

Jon with a tad embarrassed smile:

"Maybe a bit too much."

Panel 2:


"That's why we table! So we can afford the good comics."

Jon laughs.

In the background a girl can be seen walking past with her father.

Panel 3, over-the-shoulder view of Jon and Ava:

The girl now pulls on her father's arm, with a shocked expression on her face. The father looks a bit confused at his kid.

Panel 4, over-the-shoulder closeup:

The father with a delighted expression:

"You're Jon Arbuckle!"

Jon looks quizzical.

Panel 5:

The guy, with his daughter somewhat hiding behind his arm, clasping it tightly:

"You have a very big fan here."

Page 14: Impression

Panel 1:

The father, his hands now resting proudly on the shoulders of his daughter in front of him, who is somewhat blushing, holding a notebook shyly against her chest:

"She reads your strip in the paper every day. And she draws her own, too."

Jon, leaning over his desk:

"Hi there."

Panel 2, closeup:

Girl with a bright smile and blushes on her face:


Panel 3, over the shoulder:

Girl now hurriedly extends her notebook, with a look of uncertainty:

"Um... Do you want to see?"

Jon is smiling back at her, showing interest.

Panel 4:

Jon, paging through the notebook with a genuine smile:

"Gosh, I wish I'd been this good when I was your age. You must draw a lot."

The girl leans over with a smile of anticipation, as her father has an encouraging hand on her shoulder.

Panel 5:

The girl and Jon, smiling, as Jon stops mid-sentence:

"You're really —"

Panel 6, closeup:

A closeup of Jon's face, as he says:


Page 15: Fan-art

Panel 1, closeup:

A page out of the girl's notebook, with various sketches of Garfield:

Page 16: The offer

Panel 1, closeup:

A look of surprise and blush on Jon's face as he looks at the girl's sketch book.

Panel 2, closeup:

Jon looking up, with a smile on his face, and a small tear building up.

Panel 3:

The girl and her father looking at Jon, the dad smiling and the girl with a look of wonder, as Jon gets up from his chair and says:

"Could I..."

"Trade you?"

Panel 4:


"One of your drawings for one of my books?"

The girl now has a look of total surprise and shock on her face.

Panel 5, closeup:

The girl, absolutely beaming:


Page 17: Exchange

Panel 1:

The girl signing a page out of her sketch book, and Jon signing one of his books, as the dad looks at his daughter with pride.

Panel 2:

The dad taking a picture of his daughter and Jon, with her holding Jon's book, and Jon holding her drawing. The girl has the biggest smile on her face.

Panel 3:

Jon and the father and daughter waving goodbye, as they walk off.

Panel 4:

Closeup of Jon holding a page torn out of the girl's sketch book. The side visible to the viewer is showing two people, one of them probably a personification of the girl herself, with a speech bubble coming from the girl. Jon is smiling.

Panel 5:

A closeup of Jon clasping the page tightly against his chest.

Page 18: Dark, but so much lighter

Panel 1, inset:

Overview of the outside of the convention center; it's much later in the day now.

Panel 2:

Overview of the convention center's hall, with booths in various stages of packing up.

Panel 3, inset:

Jon and Ava exchanging business cards and smiles.

Panel 3:

Jon walking past other attendees packing up, with one of them waving at Jon. Jon's trolley is far less packed now.

Panel 4:

Closeup of Jon waving.

Page 19: How'd it go?

Panel 1:

A car arriving at a home, late in the day. It's dark, and the front lights of the car illuminate the driveway.

Panel 2:

Jon, walking up a stair?, holding a cardboard box:

"I'm home!"

Liz, sitting on a couch:


Garfield is lying underneath a table with various books on top of it, surrounded by chairs and the sofa, and a standing lamp with two adjustable spotlights. Odie is lying in the illuminated area on the floor with either a toy, or another pet next to him, and a random ball on the floor.

Panel 3:

Jon and Liz embracing each other, Liz's hand lovingly on his cheek, Jon's hands on her back.


"How was it?"


"Well... You were right."



Meanwhile Garfield is checking out the open cardboard box.

Panel 4:

Garfield is now looking inside the box, looks disappointed, and has a "meh" above his face. On top of Jon's books though, is the page from the girl's sketch book.

Off-screen Jon and Liz' conversation continues though:

"It was good."

"What'd I tell you."

Panel 5, closeup:

Jon and Liz still hugging. Liz has her eyes closed and looks content, and Jon is looking up as if remembering the day, while he says:

"Really good."

Page 20: In frame

A closeup of a picture frame above two jars with Jon's pens and brushes, an eraser, and a smudged wad of paper. Inside the frame is the sketchbook page with the girl's sketches of Garfield we saw earlier. It's now signed with a heart and the girl's name, "Lindsay".

Closing notes